Sunday, January 11, 2009


I agree with Zarminae Ansari's review "Unforgettable". She describes the film as, "a romance, a tragedy, a history, and a comment on the human heart: its tenderness and the beast that hides within"( I think that this quote sums up the entire film. Friendship and laughter lead to hatred and betrayal. Lenny posses a childlike innocence in the film which keeps the human side alive. Her attempts at understanding what is going on allows the audience to learn about the struggles occurring as well. Beneath the anger lies the love between two of the main characters. This brings a lighter side to the film and shows that love can overcome differences and can bridge the gap between something as strong as religion. Ansari also states," A voyeuristic quality runs throughout the film and draws the audience in". This was an important part of the movie as well because it allowed the audience to see what went on that allowed love to flourish between some and hatred between others. Lenny and the "Ice Candy Man" were privy to something that they shouldn't have seen in the love scene between two of the main characters. Something that should have been private caused the plot to change dramatically. Lenny, whether she recognized it or not lost some of her innocence in what she saw. She may not have understood what she was watching, but saw another side of what love can bring. The "Ice Candy Man" however, turned into a different person in that moment. He no longer felt the need to hide who he was and let his anger come out in an extremely dramatic way. He went from being a loving and funny person to one consumed by extreme hatred to the point of killing over jealousy. I agree that despite the sadness and hatred that dominated the storyline, the love that weaved its way through created a beautiful story.

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